Monday, June 23, 2008

Peter David

Has anyone read any of Peter David's work? I read in 'Classic Marvel Superheroes' that he was the best Hulk writer out there. It also said that it introduced many ideas to the Hulk saga, and that Peter David came up with the idea of different Hulks based on different persona's of Bruce Banner. These are as follows:

  • The Savage Hulk
    This is the green-skinned Goliath that we all know and love. He has low intelligence, but is very strong and could easily overpower you on a battlefield. The Savage Hulk is one of the strongest personalities. As he gets angrier, he gets stronger.
  • Joe Fixit (the Grey Hulk)
    This was the first Hulk that ever appeared, due to a misprint. He does not have Banner's knowledge, but he is quite clever and crafty. He is very selfish and has desires of getting rid of Bruce Banner. He is not as powerful as the Savage Hulk.
  • The Professor Hulk (the Merged Hulk)
    This Hulk keeps Banner's intelligence and has the strength of the Savage Hulk. He is probably the most powerful Hulk of all, but he has mediocre emotions and can be very brutal when he wants to be.
  • Mindless Hulk
    This is the Hulk without anything to do with Banner. If anything, Banner cannot influence this Hulk in anyway at all. He looks like a monster and has very low intelligence, but he can show emotions, like love.
  • The Devil Hulk
    This Hulk is more reptilian in nature and is perhaps the most selfish and evil of all. This Hulk represents Banner's own childhood fears and is the most malevolent and destructive version of the Hulk.

I thought this idea was very interesting and I decided to get some Peter David graphic novels- I got:

  1. Hulk: the End Premiere
  2. Hulk Visionaries: Peter David vol. 1

Hopefully, I will be going back to Midtown Comics to get some more- namely the Hulk Visionaries: Peter David series. I want to see some more of Joe Fixit, as this is the first Hulk that Peter David wrote about.